Annual Report (2017-2018)
2018-2018 Kini-Kenya Annual Report
The 2017-2018 year for KINI was very busy with its growth and partnerships causing many needed positive changes to communities, education and the lives of the vulnerable. The number of children being sponsored by KINI (some without specific sponsors) has increased greatly to over 90 children in 21 different schools. This is itself is a huge challenge and one the Board Chair and Project Manager Barbara Parkins, has done with relish and expertise. Many lives have been changed for a better future through KINI’s innovation, educational programs and sponsorships. KINI’s involvement with local schools has provided facilities and resources which have helped the schools to provide a much higher educational standard than previously. This involvement is crucial to the future success and expansion of these schools in providing essential education opportunities to remote and low socio-economic communities.